
Friday, June 24, 2016

Monday June 27th, 2016

Duties for Monday: 
     AM Front: Filas
     AM Back: Sommer
     Breakfast: Porter
     PM Front: Woodall
     PM Back: Martin

A big thank you to everybody who helped with sno-cones and Friday fun supervision!

Please bring time cards to the office by Tuesday. 

We have a reminder letter to families already copied for you in the office. It reminds families that Wednesday is the last day of summer school. Please stop by the office and pick up how ever many copies you need for your classroom. Here is the note:

Family Note Reminder

There are no attendance tickets, prizes, or recess treats this week. The afternoon recess on Wednesday will be from 1:45-2:15, to help with printing report cards and other last minute tasks.

Here is a quick list of closing items as you finish the week:

1. Any school supplies that can be reused next year, please bring to the office. Try to find a place in my office. Any items you borrowed from us in the office, please return them as well. Consumable things like crayons and pencils that are well used can go home with students, and encourage students to read and practice skills over the summer. 

2. Please put back any Investigations Math or Wonders Reading curriculum materials that you borrowed, especially if they came from other classrooms. If you borrowed the large clear tubs of Investigations math manipulatives, please put those in the hallway by room #21. 

3. Please put the school copy of each student's report card in the correct pile on the counter in the office, and we'll help you alphabetize by grade level. We have a spot for each elementary school. We can help you look up the home school if you aren't sure, especially for students who will be attending the two new elementary schools. One copy of the report card also needs to go home with each student. If a student isn't at school on Wednesday, simply fold and address to the parent/guardian of the student. We can then send them on to the home school to give to the student in August. Please make sure there are comments on the report cards.

4. Please check the staff refrigerators for any food and drinks that might be yours.

5. Please also return any playground equipment to the blue tubs in the hallways.

6. The custodians will be visiting every classroom on Monday. They will show you where desks and chairs need to placed in the hall, for Wednesday afternoon. Please also clean desks, both on top and inside. We have cleaning supplies in the office to help. Custodians will start deep cleaning and waxing floors as soon as we finish with summer school.  

7. The goal is to leave the classrooms so that the regular classroom teacher walks in and doesn't notice we were even there. Please let me know if we need to replace or fix anything.

Thought for the day:

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